Sunday, November 28, 2010

Unbelievably Behind

Sorry dearest readers for the delay on this, been nearly a month since my last post, or it might even be a month today.  Not really been a busy bee, just haven't felt the desire to write on here for a while, and now a quick download.  Been really tough few weeks, getting closer to getting home lowers my motivation to work and I find myself urging myself forward to December 18th.  Still, my time here has been wonderful this semester, and when I look back instead of the inevitable looking forward, I realise how much I have achieved and done.  Yellowstone feels like a million years ago, it is important I don't forget such events.  Been skiing on a couple of occasions, which has just been awesome, loved it!

Bloody amazing skiing here, I feel very lucky to be able to do it... will definitely be going at the beginning of next semester to lap up the fresh christmas snow.

Otherwise, things have been pretty quiet, had a lovely thanksgiving meal at the Nagel's which was just delightful - my first American Thanksgiving was a success, the Nagel family was very welcoming to Joe, Grant and I and their generosity was grand.  Great food, great company and some beers.  What a great few days.

Been thanksgiving break here this week which has meant everyone who is american at CSU has gone home, and I was left for a few days alone with nowhere to eat but fast food restaurants.  I ate my own height in subway over three days, which was not too great for me, and unfortunately the amount of work I have to do has limited my time in the gym over the week and this weekend.  Back on it tomorrow.  Very much looking forward to coming home now, new car, seeing Hannah and all sorts of other exciting activities will make it one of the best christmasses ever, bring it on.

In the meantime, the next three weeks and the mood I feel currently is best reflected through a song I found today, I'll put the link here so you can all sympathise/empathise/get excited for my return.

And I leave you with a photograph I took of a sunrise last week, a stunner (though A little edited on the bottom, the top is exactly what the sky was like.