Monday, February 14, 2011

And so we continue!

Well the last couple of weeks have been full of similar stuff, doing this and that, going out, parties, CB&Potts for dollar long island Iced teas.  School work hasn't kicked in just yet so I'm existing in a relatively relaxed environment, which is nice!  Done bits and bobs to the room again so it's nearing its evolutionary perfection methinks, Tommy and I are still very happy coexisting.

Sat here watching the Shawshank Redemption, incredible film...

Done a little writing over the last couple of days, my inspiration is coming back to me and its definitely fuelled by new music.  Having watched the Grammy's and the superbowl in the countries of their origin I have felt more American and more abroad than before.  It is already starting to seem like the trip of a lifetime, there's something different about this time round I am loving it.  I now don't think of missing home, and so I don't miss it!  Just loving life.
Bought myself a new pair of ski goggles last week before our trip to Breckenridge, where we went for saturday.  The drive there took us so long, perhaps five hours and as a result only had about 3 hours to ski by the time we got there...  Nevertheless we paid for our half day pass and off we went for some of the bet skiing I have ever experienced!  Backcountry (off piste) was amazing, and I have never skid that before, its amazing the confidence boost it gives you to successfully navigate trees and slopes at the same time!  Also conquered my first black diamond, a steep beast with moguls and powder, it was amazing, just amazing!
We stuck to this, peak 7, with the black diamond stuff over on the far top right.  Amazing!

Off to vail this weekend we hope so that I can catch up with my cousin Jenny, not seen her for years so that would be lovely :)

All for now, sleep tight!