Saturday, January 29, 2011

Here we go again!

In the words of Ok Go! I throw myself headfirst into the deepest pool that is semester two of my year abroad at Colorado State University.  This chapter of the adventure started as I mean to go on, complimentary upgrade to First Class BA flight non-stop to Denver.  Outstanding.  I have never experienced such an opulent altitude;

Mmmm yes folks, the food was divine and the alcohol did nothing but flow.  I had the standard missing home angst on the plane, but I did my best to distract myself with the films and experience on a whole.

So I've now been here a mere two weeks, and so far have done a lot!  Been to a couple of parties, the pub etc, its been great!  There are new Aussies and Kiwis here this semester, and they seem like a good bunch so it should be another good semester, though the dynamic we had with Joe and Grant last semester won't be matched.  We miss those guys.  Dad has informed me that we'll be going summer 2012 to south Australia, so fingers crossed I can catch up with them then.

The weather has been simply mental here since I got back, arrived to snow!  Then it got warm again, then this appeared out of nowhere...
Bloody blizzard, and then the last couple of days have been like this!
Shorts and tshirt weather today!  Going to head out and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, next week its going to be below -10degrees... CRAZY!

Planning a trip to Cabo San Lucas hopefully, or somewhere else in Mexico for spring break and my birthday, though flights are looking costly and driving is looking more likely...  I would love that though, driving across 4 states and another country to get somewhere to celebrate my birthday... god I can't wait.

Joey and I will be planning a couple of trips as well; San Francisco and New Orleans hopefully, is going to be our cheapest and best bet, though I just want experiences at any cost, gotta soak it up while I'm here...  Off to play "soccer" now, will write again soon.  Much love to all, and thanks for keeping reading. xxx

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