Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just a brief update - Crew!

Went to a CSU Crew (rowing) meeting last night, at which they detailed the schedule for training: 7 days a week WATER training - take that Leicester...  Due to my grade requirements (set by myself this year) I cannot promise to be able to do that, so what they have said, because I'm more experienced than most of the current crew, that I can use one of their many singles, train when I want and race under the CSU title, a lot like Chris Macauly up at leicester!  I think it's a step in the right direction, not any commitment and no need to pay the $500, yes, $500 dollar a semester joining fee.  REEEEEEE-Diculous!  Anyway, I'm excited about the concept of being able to get out on the water, which should be excellent!  First outing on tuesday evening, will takes some snaps and post them asap!

ALSO!!  Just checked my grades online and I've been doing little bits and bobs, small assignments like reader responses and quizzes, and I am on 100% so far for the year!  It's early days and really very insignificant pieces of work, but all the little bits add up to a lot, right?!

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