Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Past Week!

Well a week ago (i.e. saturday) Grant, Joe, Tommy and I took a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park:
We were going to hike a two mile long route which would elevate us 2000ft from our starting altitude of about 10,000 ft, and would eventually drive up to the top of the mountain on the highest road in America.  This was an amazing hike, the wildlife was so friendly, some ground squirrels took a shine to us:
This one was called Alvin, and it turns out our mountain mix would attract both squirrels and birds, which in turn would then fight each other over the dried fruit.  I'm glad it wasn't mountain meat mix, otherwise we would have probably had bears to contend with.  We continued climbing eventually reaching a lake called Emerald Lake, which was beautiful - the picture I briefly included in my last update was emerald lake, and Grant and I decided going for a swim was a good idea!  Tommy encouraged us, apparently the water was great for swimming - but he said he wasn't coming in because he didn't have the right shorts on... I should have been suspicious from then...  Nevertheless in Grant jumped and his retreat from the icy water was faster than a fast thing on fast pills.  Now up to me knees I thought Ah this doesn't feel too bad, Grant's just being a wimp so in I hopped too.  The water hit my head and I was instantly in shock, it was SO COLD!  What Tommy had not told us was that it was glacier melt water, and was probably under 10 degrees.  It was freezing!  I will include the video Tommy took when I can get it off him, the swine.  Afterwards he told Grant and I that he had been "Trying to get people to do that for ages".  After drying off we ambled back down to the car, and drove up to the highest road which was very high and scary indeed.

Up there we encountered a bell end who declared that "This isn't a playground" and that he "couldn't wait to get to the ranger's office" so he could tell on us.  Nice one mate, perhaps you should not be in someone's personal space when Grant and I are playing around.  NO FUN ALLOWED was a sign we must have missed.  Knob.  We drove back to Tommy's for some home cooked food, burgers etc, which were banging.  Cindy is a dream, she just wants everyone to feel like they're at home and it was so welcome :) .

Other news this week includes my continued and surprising academic success, and my even stranger enjoyment of my courses.  I feel really engaged with what I am learning about, and am already starting to pull ideas together for my dissertation.  The attempt at getting ahead while I am out here is working, and considering how easy it is to get a B- out here (equiv. 62 and a 2:1 at home) I think working hard here is definitely worth it.  Ordered shed-loads of books online and saved roughly $100 by doing so.  Funny story, I bought a used book from the college bookshop, and was charged $12.  Looking on the back the book was originally sold for as new: $11.95.  Someone please explain the justice in that.  Thievery!  Now amazon has the pleasure of my money, rather than The Man.  Take that authority.

Finally too this week: CLOUD AND DRIZZLE!  This was my happiest day, while the sunshine is nice, I do love a good reminder of English weather, and earlier on this week thunderstorms and rain really brought my thoughts back to home, which is lovely :) .

More pictures for you, some gym ones, just showing you how awesome it is:
 These are some of the freeweights, there are more all over the place.
 These are the benches, last week I spotted a guy pressing over 300lbs, roughly 150kg.
These are small glimpses of the cardio room, which is ginormous.

Went to an American football match today: CSU Rams vs Idaho Vandals, and what a game it was!  So close all the way through, and just when we thought it was over, with 3 seconds to go, CSU scored a field goal which edged them into the lead by 2 points... mental.  Our first win of the season, and considering we have our toughest opponents coming up, Texas Christ, it's about time we found some form:
 They take it all rather seriously out here...
I don't.  It's all a bit ironic for me.
I love it here.

Last night went to our friend Tucker's birthday bash which was messy for a number of people.  I'm staying true to my word and not drinking nearly as much as I could, and hitting the training hard.  I think it's starting to pay off...
Lost my crown of beer pong though, and with it unfortunately went the Beer Pong ashes I'm afraid, England.  Tell the Queen I'm sorry and that I will retrieve them.

I'm proud.  To be.  (on) A CSU Ram:

For now dear readers, I leave the excitement there!  Film night with the boys tonight, and tomorrow I'm going to a Baseball game - the Colorado Rockies vs the San Francisco Giants.  We iz gonna beat thoze battyboyz.  Fun times, somewhere in there I have to fit in the gym and reading a couple of books... bring it on!!!

Much to all with the time to read this,

Jackus Maximus.

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