Thursday, October 28, 2010

Biking Road Trip

So today, Joe, Grant and I decided to go on a biking road trip to Wal-Mart, a surprisingly long way away!  It was great though, I borrowed a bike from one of the Aussie lads who in turn rents it from the library, and what a steed it was!
It was great, there was something about the evening that added something new to America for me.  The change in season meant that it was cold, but still so sunny.  The sunset this evening was breathtaking.  It really reminds me currently of the October I was in New York with the Salesian boys... there's something about it that really gets to me, mellows me out.  I love it though, it's the perfect mood to write in, and just take in the world around me.  I feel very calm when it's sunny autumn, not sure really why that is, but it just is wonderful.  Was only a short excursion, but we're going to do it again, because it really was a lot of fun!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More Grades!

Well I got the rest of muy midterms back, all 2 of them, and achieved (in UK grades) a 58 for my Ethnic Lit module, and a 75(!!!) for my British Fiction.  Nailed it!  Looking at very high 2:1s-1sts for all of my subjects this semester.  Winner!

All for now, off to the gym to distract myself from life and it's troubles

Much love

Sunday, October 24, 2010

More of my journey of discovery

Well folks, it's been too long since I las posted some news up here, and there is enough of it!  Had midterms this last week, the majority of which went really well!  One of them didn't go too well, but that's to be expected because of the fact its the one class I haven't been doing the reading for.  I get my result for that tomorrow, so we'll see!  Otherwise, midterms have been good, got a 94% in my Native American Lit class, which equates to an A-, and a big 72 at home, that's right people, a 1st!!!  So pleased and proud I've actually been making a real effort!  Here's a grade rundown of my three most important modules, there are some missing but you can see the current %age at the bottom of each!

So I'm not doing badly at all!!

Other events, went to Boulder last weekend to have a look around the shops, and for the most part it was a good day out, change of scene etc.  Boulder is lovely, and at only 40 mins away it is nearly a convenience for America!  Didn't buy anything though, as there weren't any shops I fancied buying at, so I saved my money.  Grant bought a brand new macbook pro, the same one as me, as they are so much cheaper here than at home (both Aus and Eng).  He's very happy, Tommy and I should be on commission, we are great salesmen for Apple!

I myself went shopping to the Foothills mall down the road yesterday - borrowed Joe's bike as he's away in California for the weekend seeing the UFC heavyweight championship, lucky boy!  About twenty minutes away its actually a really nice place, very American!  Bought a few things at Hollister, and was offered a modelling job too!  Unfortunately because of my Visa I am unable to work off campus, as I'd need a work permit, which is $340... Not sure I'd even earn that back!  Still it's nice to be offered eh!?

Went on a nighttime wander with the boys last weekend too, and ended up looking around a Frat House which was awesome.  They seem like really solid guys, all about the charity work and looking after each other, the brotherhood and all that.  They had a theatre room there which was awesome, massive projector and these stage seats:
It looks shabby, but who cares when you're in a frat house and its AWESOME!

It was Tommy's 21st birthday on tuesday, and we went out to a bar called Sundance which let anyone 18+ in for a small cover charge.  Was a good night, Tommy was really quite merry but wasn't ill which is nice!  He didn't want us spending any money on him so i made him this:
He loved it and is looking forward to using it... please excuse the awful Australia spelling mistake... shhhh.

It's been all about the work these last couple of weeks, so nothing major to report, though I have had a stinking cold, just recovering from it but it wiped me out yesterday afternoon!  Just lay in bed and felt sorry for myself.  Did buy Hannah's birthday present yesterday though, having it sent over to her in time to have it for her Leicester celebrations, won't tell you what it is in case she reads this, but its lovely.  Missing Leicester and all it could be offering me right now, but still enjoying Colorado, looking forward to the snow!

That's all for now guys, as I can't really remember what else of importance has occurred...  Will update again soon.  Much love and take care,

OH! AAAAAND... I went for a haircut at the very lovely Molly's salon just across the street, and we were talking and she said, 'Hey, if i give you a free haircut, will you record the salon voicemail for me?'  SO now, if you call Molly's salon and no-one is there the answerphone will cut in and you will hear my sultry tones advertising it!!  How awesome is that! INTERNATIONALLY VOICED STEVENS is what they now call me.  It isn't, but you get the picture.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Morning Sunshine

Morning Sunshine, originally uploaded by Jack Oliver Stevens.
Took this the morning we went to Pengree Park, at about 7am when no-one was around! I have a second one which I will add into the actual Pegree blog post.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Dear readers!  It has been well over a week since my last blog post and for this I must sincerely apologise.  When I started this blog I had hoped to not slip into the habit of missing weeks out or taking too long to write, and so I will endeavour to avoid this happening again...  I'm not sure how many readers this reaches, so perhaps it was less of a big deal that I had initially thought!

Anyway, we went to the Colorado Rockies vs San Fran Giants last week, and was apparently one of the worst performances the Rockies have produced this season, go figure.  It was a VERY hot day and I got significantly sunburnt as we were in the highest stands in the full face of the sun.  We really enjoyed ourselves though, and it was great to see a major league baseball match in its country of origin...
It was a pretty epic view.  We were driven to the Coors Field in denver in a few cars by the cultural mentors, those Coloradians who help us "adjust" to American life...  They have basically become our friends and the boys are taking a trip to vegas with some of them in november.  I looked into going too, but there just isn't anything for U21s to do while you're there.  I will perhaps take a trip out there for my 21st birthday, but we'll play that by ear.

Grades are still up, my lowest average %age at the moment is 85%, but I will be bringing that up over the course of the next couple of weeks as it is my British Fiction class and I have an important mid-term coming up next week, which is 35% of my grade.  Loving it though, and find myself increasingly engaged with that which I am studying.  It is my belief here that the level of teaching well exceeds the level of students, as there are some that would put "Cheating on his wife" on a test instead of "Adultery".  I was aghast, and this level was highlighted when I was given a sheet of literary terms in my Native American Lit class, that had things explained like "imagery" - things english kids would have learned back in year 9.  The teachers are great, they obviously love their work over here, it's not just a job to them; my BritFic teacher has written something like 9 novels, 250 short stories and has a regular column in The Denver Post...  It's refreshing to know that these guys are always learning and writing too.

Had a lucky couple of days over here as classes were cancelled for a couple of days thanks to the English department reading day, which will have been useful to catch up on work.  Did house-keepy stuff today like my laundry and tidying my room, so tomorrow is study day.  I find that I can't lay in here, though I was never really any good at that in Leicester either, but I wake up between 7 and 8, get up, have breakfast, shower and get a bit done before Tommy even stirs.  I would feel so guilty getting up at the same time he does, I feel like half the day is gone any later that 9!  Early nights are nice though, as the training I'm doing leaves me shattered.  Attempting a daily indoor triathlon; 10mins row, 10mins run and 10mins cycle on the spin machines.  It's brutal, and then a weights workout afterwards.  I'm working hard but need to remind myself that I will not see instant results, and while I don't feel any bigger or look any leaner in my eyes, I reckon that you guys will notice a difference at home... I hope so anyway, otherwise what was the point in all this.  I miss ULBC circuit training though, there's no equivalent here which makes me sad.  Still, I'm putting in some effort, going to try and add a minute a week to each section of the triathlon, so I will see how that goes.

Last weekend we took a trip up to Pengree Park, the CSU campus in the mountains at 9000ft.  Had to be up at the very lovely 6 am, and was treated to a sprinkler display in the rising sun:

It was a lovely setting there, and we were expecting a bit more than what we got, which was effectively international team-building of the cheesiest and most cliche'd kind, which of course I could not take seriously.  There were also fun games to play.  Horseshoes (throwing large horseshoes at metal spikes in the ground), Volleyball and Basketball.  I tell you if it wasn't for the people I was with I would have had a rubbish day.  It was a laugh however and great to do something different.  Nice to tick something else off the list.

Not a lot happening this weekend, Grant offered me a trip to Denver to visit a family he knows there, but with midterms beginning next week and my effective day off today, I can't afford the time.  I feel I let him down but there will be other opportunities to go to Denver I'm sure.  I'm very excited about the weekend after that, when we are hopefully driving to Boulder.  Going to take my Mac in for a health check to the Apple store there, and Grant is going to buy a mac.  Will do a bit of shopping, I need some more socks, boxers and a well fitting hoody.  Nothing expensive (I hope) just functional.  Bought some shorts to send home to Han today, am going to save getting CSU branded clothing until next semester, when I'll have stable finances and have been through Paris.  Don't want to spend money I won't have.  Also, why would I want to wear clothing that says I go to a University people see me at daily...  I need to internationally advertise, not advertise somewhere people have already signed up to!

Missing Leicester this week, everyone arriving back and the photo's and facebook updates about how amazing the Union is, but I'm sure it will survive without me.  What is disappointing is that the Union has already hired a new photographer, Ollie Millington, to do the events and whatnot.  That would have been my job, but I suppose I shut that door to open the one that led me here - and I'm not regretting that decision at all.  The AmStudies folks at Leicester said that my experience here would be like a U - up at the start, then my excitement and mood subsides, then up again when I realise how amazing it is.  Feel I'm fairly low down at the bottom - missing home etc, but I find I can get around it by going to the gym and taking time out for myself.  My own space has always been important, and in a country that doesn't fully appreciate that its my low times that are really tough.  It's all tough, but it's all equally amazing.

After such a picture dominated post last time, this one must seem really chatter heavy, but it's nice for me to write down whats going through my head sometimes, pretty therapeutic.  I'm sure you'd agree Mum.

I will have missed something out,  but if I remember I will add them in later.

Much love to all reading, rest assured I am missing you lots :)