Thursday, October 28, 2010

Biking Road Trip

So today, Joe, Grant and I decided to go on a biking road trip to Wal-Mart, a surprisingly long way away!  It was great though, I borrowed a bike from one of the Aussie lads who in turn rents it from the library, and what a steed it was!
It was great, there was something about the evening that added something new to America for me.  The change in season meant that it was cold, but still so sunny.  The sunset this evening was breathtaking.  It really reminds me currently of the October I was in New York with the Salesian boys... there's something about it that really gets to me, mellows me out.  I love it though, it's the perfect mood to write in, and just take in the world around me.  I feel very calm when it's sunny autumn, not sure really why that is, but it just is wonderful.  Was only a short excursion, but we're going to do it again, because it really was a lot of fun!

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