Monday, February 14, 2011

And so we continue!

Well the last couple of weeks have been full of similar stuff, doing this and that, going out, parties, CB&Potts for dollar long island Iced teas.  School work hasn't kicked in just yet so I'm existing in a relatively relaxed environment, which is nice!  Done bits and bobs to the room again so it's nearing its evolutionary perfection methinks, Tommy and I are still very happy coexisting.

Sat here watching the Shawshank Redemption, incredible film...

Done a little writing over the last couple of days, my inspiration is coming back to me and its definitely fuelled by new music.  Having watched the Grammy's and the superbowl in the countries of their origin I have felt more American and more abroad than before.  It is already starting to seem like the trip of a lifetime, there's something different about this time round I am loving it.  I now don't think of missing home, and so I don't miss it!  Just loving life.
Bought myself a new pair of ski goggles last week before our trip to Breckenridge, where we went for saturday.  The drive there took us so long, perhaps five hours and as a result only had about 3 hours to ski by the time we got there...  Nevertheless we paid for our half day pass and off we went for some of the bet skiing I have ever experienced!  Backcountry (off piste) was amazing, and I have never skid that before, its amazing the confidence boost it gives you to successfully navigate trees and slopes at the same time!  Also conquered my first black diamond, a steep beast with moguls and powder, it was amazing, just amazing!
We stuck to this, peak 7, with the black diamond stuff over on the far top right.  Amazing!

Off to vail this weekend we hope so that I can catch up with my cousin Jenny, not seen her for years so that would be lovely :)

All for now, sleep tight!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Here we go again!

In the words of Ok Go! I throw myself headfirst into the deepest pool that is semester two of my year abroad at Colorado State University.  This chapter of the adventure started as I mean to go on, complimentary upgrade to First Class BA flight non-stop to Denver.  Outstanding.  I have never experienced such an opulent altitude;

Mmmm yes folks, the food was divine and the alcohol did nothing but flow.  I had the standard missing home angst on the plane, but I did my best to distract myself with the films and experience on a whole.

So I've now been here a mere two weeks, and so far have done a lot!  Been to a couple of parties, the pub etc, its been great!  There are new Aussies and Kiwis here this semester, and they seem like a good bunch so it should be another good semester, though the dynamic we had with Joe and Grant last semester won't be matched.  We miss those guys.  Dad has informed me that we'll be going summer 2012 to south Australia, so fingers crossed I can catch up with them then.

The weather has been simply mental here since I got back, arrived to snow!  Then it got warm again, then this appeared out of nowhere...
Bloody blizzard, and then the last couple of days have been like this!
Shorts and tshirt weather today!  Going to head out and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, next week its going to be below -10degrees... CRAZY!

Planning a trip to Cabo San Lucas hopefully, or somewhere else in Mexico for spring break and my birthday, though flights are looking costly and driving is looking more likely...  I would love that though, driving across 4 states and another country to get somewhere to celebrate my birthday... god I can't wait.

Joey and I will be planning a couple of trips as well; San Francisco and New Orleans hopefully, is going to be our cheapest and best bet, though I just want experiences at any cost, gotta soak it up while I'm here...  Off to play "soccer" now, will write again soon.  Much love to all, and thanks for keeping reading. xxx

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Unbelievably Behind

Sorry dearest readers for the delay on this, been nearly a month since my last post, or it might even be a month today.  Not really been a busy bee, just haven't felt the desire to write on here for a while, and now a quick download.  Been really tough few weeks, getting closer to getting home lowers my motivation to work and I find myself urging myself forward to December 18th.  Still, my time here has been wonderful this semester, and when I look back instead of the inevitable looking forward, I realise how much I have achieved and done.  Yellowstone feels like a million years ago, it is important I don't forget such events.  Been skiing on a couple of occasions, which has just been awesome, loved it!

Bloody amazing skiing here, I feel very lucky to be able to do it... will definitely be going at the beginning of next semester to lap up the fresh christmas snow.

Otherwise, things have been pretty quiet, had a lovely thanksgiving meal at the Nagel's which was just delightful - my first American Thanksgiving was a success, the Nagel family was very welcoming to Joe, Grant and I and their generosity was grand.  Great food, great company and some beers.  What a great few days.

Been thanksgiving break here this week which has meant everyone who is american at CSU has gone home, and I was left for a few days alone with nowhere to eat but fast food restaurants.  I ate my own height in subway over three days, which was not too great for me, and unfortunately the amount of work I have to do has limited my time in the gym over the week and this weekend.  Back on it tomorrow.  Very much looking forward to coming home now, new car, seeing Hannah and all sorts of other exciting activities will make it one of the best christmasses ever, bring it on.

In the meantime, the next three weeks and the mood I feel currently is best reflected through a song I found today, I'll put the link here so you can all sympathise/empathise/get excited for my return.

And I leave you with a photograph I took of a sunrise last week, a stunner (though A little edited on the bottom, the top is exactly what the sky was like.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Biking Road Trip

So today, Joe, Grant and I decided to go on a biking road trip to Wal-Mart, a surprisingly long way away!  It was great though, I borrowed a bike from one of the Aussie lads who in turn rents it from the library, and what a steed it was!
It was great, there was something about the evening that added something new to America for me.  The change in season meant that it was cold, but still so sunny.  The sunset this evening was breathtaking.  It really reminds me currently of the October I was in New York with the Salesian boys... there's something about it that really gets to me, mellows me out.  I love it though, it's the perfect mood to write in, and just take in the world around me.  I feel very calm when it's sunny autumn, not sure really why that is, but it just is wonderful.  Was only a short excursion, but we're going to do it again, because it really was a lot of fun!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More Grades!

Well I got the rest of muy midterms back, all 2 of them, and achieved (in UK grades) a 58 for my Ethnic Lit module, and a 75(!!!) for my British Fiction.  Nailed it!  Looking at very high 2:1s-1sts for all of my subjects this semester.  Winner!

All for now, off to the gym to distract myself from life and it's troubles

Much love

Sunday, October 24, 2010

More of my journey of discovery

Well folks, it's been too long since I las posted some news up here, and there is enough of it!  Had midterms this last week, the majority of which went really well!  One of them didn't go too well, but that's to be expected because of the fact its the one class I haven't been doing the reading for.  I get my result for that tomorrow, so we'll see!  Otherwise, midterms have been good, got a 94% in my Native American Lit class, which equates to an A-, and a big 72 at home, that's right people, a 1st!!!  So pleased and proud I've actually been making a real effort!  Here's a grade rundown of my three most important modules, there are some missing but you can see the current %age at the bottom of each!

So I'm not doing badly at all!!

Other events, went to Boulder last weekend to have a look around the shops, and for the most part it was a good day out, change of scene etc.  Boulder is lovely, and at only 40 mins away it is nearly a convenience for America!  Didn't buy anything though, as there weren't any shops I fancied buying at, so I saved my money.  Grant bought a brand new macbook pro, the same one as me, as they are so much cheaper here than at home (both Aus and Eng).  He's very happy, Tommy and I should be on commission, we are great salesmen for Apple!

I myself went shopping to the Foothills mall down the road yesterday - borrowed Joe's bike as he's away in California for the weekend seeing the UFC heavyweight championship, lucky boy!  About twenty minutes away its actually a really nice place, very American!  Bought a few things at Hollister, and was offered a modelling job too!  Unfortunately because of my Visa I am unable to work off campus, as I'd need a work permit, which is $340... Not sure I'd even earn that back!  Still it's nice to be offered eh!?

Went on a nighttime wander with the boys last weekend too, and ended up looking around a Frat House which was awesome.  They seem like really solid guys, all about the charity work and looking after each other, the brotherhood and all that.  They had a theatre room there which was awesome, massive projector and these stage seats:
It looks shabby, but who cares when you're in a frat house and its AWESOME!

It was Tommy's 21st birthday on tuesday, and we went out to a bar called Sundance which let anyone 18+ in for a small cover charge.  Was a good night, Tommy was really quite merry but wasn't ill which is nice!  He didn't want us spending any money on him so i made him this:
He loved it and is looking forward to using it... please excuse the awful Australia spelling mistake... shhhh.

It's been all about the work these last couple of weeks, so nothing major to report, though I have had a stinking cold, just recovering from it but it wiped me out yesterday afternoon!  Just lay in bed and felt sorry for myself.  Did buy Hannah's birthday present yesterday though, having it sent over to her in time to have it for her Leicester celebrations, won't tell you what it is in case she reads this, but its lovely.  Missing Leicester and all it could be offering me right now, but still enjoying Colorado, looking forward to the snow!

That's all for now guys, as I can't really remember what else of importance has occurred...  Will update again soon.  Much love and take care,

OH! AAAAAND... I went for a haircut at the very lovely Molly's salon just across the street, and we were talking and she said, 'Hey, if i give you a free haircut, will you record the salon voicemail for me?'  SO now, if you call Molly's salon and no-one is there the answerphone will cut in and you will hear my sultry tones advertising it!!  How awesome is that! INTERNATIONALLY VOICED STEVENS is what they now call me.  It isn't, but you get the picture.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Morning Sunshine

Morning Sunshine, originally uploaded by Jack Oliver Stevens.
Took this the morning we went to Pengree Park, at about 7am when no-one was around! I have a second one which I will add into the actual Pegree blog post.